Continuous Data Quality: Problem Statements

To develop an architecture and solution around continuous data quality, a great way to get started is to catalog the “Problem Statements.” These are descriptions of the business issues you are setting out to address.

From these problems, you can develop

  • more detailed business and system requirements
  • a solution architecture
  • the more granular system features you will need to set about building software.

As you read through the list below, you may wonder if these are representative of what people in the real world need. I have put these together based on years of experience, but it’s always good to validate.

Later, as a separate exercise I will map the final solution against the features used by Gartner in assessing the completeness of a Data Quality Software offering, and discuss the overlaps and omissions.

Problem Statements:

Below are high level problem statements describing the issues around a lack of a continuous data quality function that works effectively within the context of an ETL system.

From broad to specific:

  1. The automated data processing system does not produce 100% trusted outputs due to data quality issues. People are concerned with downstream impacts and confidence in the system is affected.
    1. ETL systems generally assume their data inputs are of high quality; and that attributes will be stable over time. These assumptions are largely incorrect.
      1. In many cases pre-known outliers exist that invalidate the general ETL rules, and a facility is needed that allows for these to be pre-processed (cleansed or rejected) selectively prior to general processing.
      2. Ideally the data values arriving need monitoring over time so the “drift” in the content of the data can be handled as new outliers are found.
    2. The practice of silently rejecting and discarding poor quality data fails to take into proper account the value this data has to the data supplier in guiding and instructing them on how they improve their data and processes.
    3. The error codes reported when data quality problems are found are not intuitive or instructive to the casual user or administrator of the system. Often when codes are finally found, researched and then understood, the investigator discovers they are not granular enough to resolve the problem without inspecting the raw data items directly.
    4. When investigating data item level errors the quality system doesn’t generate the information needed to quickly create and deploy a good data cleanse rule. The information generated about errors need to better characterise and generalise the problems so they are more manageable.
    5. Existing strategies around data cleansing do not generally provide the metrics needed to account for the value added in this step, or to determine if the cleanse rule was cost effective. i.e., was the effort in creating the rule offset by the cost savings produced by circumventing the quality problems? The return on investment (ROI) of the data cleanse effort, versus cost savings, or value add, are often largely unknown, and thus largely undervalued. Clear evidence of these would be very useful to encourage the development of effective cleansing strategies.
  2. File based data failures have resulted in system downtime. These are expensive and embarrassing. While hardware resiliency approaches are largely addressed, failures due to data problems (both content and configuration) are not. Several scenarios are outlined below.
    1. The presentation of a duplicated input file (possibly uniquely named) for bulk loading into most database and data warehouse loading programs will have had two effects, both resulting in outages:
      1. Either it is bulk loaded loaded and no errors are immediately reported, despite the error
      2. Or the load processes halts catastrophically as unexpected primary key violations throw errors not found in general testing of this unusual case.
      3. Both the above scenarios are bad for business:
        1. The first case implies downstream reporting systems are delivering wrong counts or wrong processing for the period prior to discovery. This typically results in a system restore from backup being needed, or bespoke delete work being needed.
        2. The second case means an incomplete load has possibly corrupted the database or has halted all data loading until the blocking data is resolved. This typically results in a system restore from backup being needed, or bespoke delete work being needed.
    2. The creation of an erroneously null file (a file with correct structure but containing no records) can affect all file types, including xml files. Where the process is to receive this data and derive “a delta”, aka updates, the business impact can be very high. The comparison process will invariably determine that all records held in the current system need deleting.
      1. The impact of this type of error cannot be emphasized more highly. While deletes of all your data is bad, the resolution is often to obtain a resupply of the data for reloading. Unfortunately this reload can generate transactions on the destination system with a volume far higher than normally expected. The impact of this can be catastrophic on transactional downstream systems . I have often seen this “foul weather” scenario knock over ESB and messaging based systems, or worse, grind them to a halt as they struggle with the volumes which create backlogs that can take days to clear.
    3. Another problem similar to null files, is file truncation, which is another hard-to-spot source of data loss with difficult to resolve consequences.similar to those effects associated with null files.
      1. File transfers of flat delimited data are a common way to move large volumes of structured data, but file truncations and corruptions are a problems. A source of this problem is that file generation and file transfer processes need to be assessed together from a continuous quality perspective rather than separately, as a failed data generation process are creating truncated files, and then independent monitoring processes are pick up these partial files up, considering them completely written. The file transfer processes then distribute the truncated files

These are challenging problems, and I am sure there are more. If you have one to add please do so using the comments.

[The index for this series of articles is my data quality page.]

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